How Will Offices Fare Now That WFH Has Been Proven Possible?

Once businesses started opening back up, many corporate executives were met with an unexpected surprise. Many workers due to pick up where they left off simply never returned.

Some simply saw no point in going back to a workplace they severely disliked and decided to make do through odd jobs; some took the opportunity to retire a couple of years earlier than they would have otherwise. Others balked at the idea of going back to the office simply to please old-timers slightly too enamoured of panopticons; plenty of workers found companies paying better, mostly due to being headquartered in expensive metropolises but now hiring remotely.

There are a myriad of reasons for this – but among those who haven’t disconnected from the working life entirely, a good proportion are still doing what they were doing up until then, simply ditching the middle manager they never liked in the process.

Generally speaking, this led to two different approaches by companies looking to retain what was left of their employees, or hire new ones. Well-established corporations had to scramble to adapt, often finally caving to demands from employees to continue working from home.

Start-up companies, on the other hand, managed to hit the ground running: with a small, often yet to-be-determined structure, many startups simply started hiring with remote work as the standard

But an even greater number took to freelancing instead. There are multiple reasons for this – staying home with a lot of free time on their hands med some to explore their passions, which they found they could turn into a source of income – budding artists for instance. Others simply decided to turn their hours won back from commuting daily into time for session work, which slowly became their regular activity.

         Although the events leading up to all of this were completely unforeseen by anyone, our platform is coming just in time for those who’ve discovered the unique and overall beneficial method of earning their keep – but also found out that freelancing isn’t quite as rose-tinted as some make it out to be.

         However, by using Veelancing it can be – with the lowest fees of any platform, great security and an unintrusive yet fair approach to mediation, Veelancing welcomes all freelancers – new and old – into our community.