Veelancing and Măgurele Science Park Partner Up To Promote Ease of Access To The Latest Tech

VBR Labs will be partnering up with Măgurele Science Park – an association that promotes the adoption of cutting-edge tech across all sectors of education and research – in an effort to bring greater awareness of the benefits of using blockchain to local and regional companies and learning institutions.

Ever since VBR Labs started developing software, our goal was to improve the way everyday workplace interactions are carried out by using the latest technology available on the market. In the years since then, we’ve come into contact with a multitude of mentors and experts who helped us achieve the results we wanted. Now, it’s time for us to do the same. 

Currently, many local researchers and entreprenurs are not taking full advantage of the benefits new tech can bring to the fields of data processing, cybersecurity and archiving – a hurdle that we belive can be surpassed without much difficulty.

         As an organization that promotes the exchange of ideas and technology across Romania, Măgurele Science Park offers technical expertise and consulting to researchers, academic institutions, laboratories and many others at affordable on nonexistent rates. Their vision is a perfect fit with ours – so we are proud to offer our services to the entire community of MSP at rates suggested by the association itself.

         In doing so, we hope we can play a part in the development of local businesses, academic research, and professionals across Romania and abroad. In return, we will also receive access to a growing network of professionals and entrepreneurs dedicated to regional and international development. We hope to be of service to those attempting to remove barriers across the scientific community – leading to a better future for all.

According to Ștefan Vanea – the CEO of VBR Labs – focusing on future-proof technology now is the least we can do for the international community of researchers.

“Every few years, issues like Heartbleed or the current log4j vulnerability cripple businesses and institutions worldwide. Investing in the safest tech today can prevent privacy issues tomorrow.”

         VBRLabs will simultaneously continue to develop the safest and most inexpensive freelancing platform on the market, Veelancing – and will use feedback from MSP experts to improve the platform ahead of the coming official launch. The platform is almost ready, and sign-ups are already implemented – so come join us!


         As a platform focused on ease of access to experts all over the world, top-notch security and future-proofing all aspects of the workplace, Veelancing is proud to join the like-minded community at MSP.